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White painted engraving, It's been refinished right?
Forum Posts: 184
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March 14, 2023 - 3:38 am
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Nice set!

On M1 and M14 style rifles receivers many folks will highlight the markings.  China markers, crayon, paint, etc.  I've done the model paint on AR rifles to highlight the "SAFE" and "Fire" modes.  Clean well before starting and degrease.  Fill (with a little extra) the lettering with the paint, let it set up a bit, and then carefully wipe off the excess with paint thinner on a rag.  It did not harm the finish on the rifle.

I think you could use the paint thinner to remove the lettering.  I'd want to try in a piece of scrap blued metal first to be sure it didn't attack the blue. GOOF-OFF has removed a lot of unwanted paint and glue for me over the years.  Again, test it on a scrap piece or hidden place first.

Let us know.

Forum Posts: 18
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July 6, 2022
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March 14, 2023 - 11:45 am
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LeonardC said
Nice set!

On M1 and M14 style rifles receivers many folks will highlight the markings.  China markers, crayon, paint, etc.  I've done the model paint on AR rifles to highlight the "SAFE" and "Fire" modes.  Clean well before starting and degrease.  Fill (with a little extra) the lettering with the paint, let it set up a bit, and then carefully wipe off the excess with paint thinner on a rag.  It did not harm the finish on the rifle.

I think you could use the paint thinner to remove the lettering.  I'd want to try in a piece of scrap blued metal first to be sure it didn't attack the blue. GOOF-OFF has removed a lot of unwanted paint and glue for me over the years.  Again, test it on a scrap piece or hidden place first.

Let us know.


I keep a steady supply of goof off in the garage. It's great on degreasing gasket surfaces as final prep before dry gasket or adhesive application. I will probably try it with a qtip before I try anything else. But like mentioned, need to test first under the grip somewhere.

Dan Fan

Dans Club
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March 18, 2023 - 9:31 pm
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Stmstan 445
Phoenix, Arizona

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April 7, 2023 - 4:16 am
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I like it too! I did it to my pistol pac with gold. Some Dan guys hate it and said it will come off with cleaning the gun but mine seems stuck on pretty good. I also re did my pack case with new foam underneath so gun and barrels are the other direction so it shows off the lettering!IMG_0611-1.JPGImage Enlarger

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