April 25, 2008
Being a silhouette shooter, single-shots are a big part of our game. The XP-100 is my favorite platform, but I also enjoy the break-open guns for their versatility and simplicity. I'll start with my OTT Encore with octagon barrel, Bo-Mar sights, Georgia Jim furniture in one of my favorite cartridges…the .414 SuperMag.
The Savantist
April 25, 2008
I've been on a nostalgia kick from the older silhouette days, so a couple years ago, I ordered this fluted barrel from OTT. A 15" stainless in 7mm International Rimmed, or 7R, it was a very popular, early Unlimited cartridge that Elgin Gates designed. Many 7mm TCU barrels were rechambered by Elgin for this round. The 7R is a .30-30 case, necked to 7mm with a 38 degree shoulder and straighter case.
The 7mm International Rimmed is based on the .30-30 Winchester case, necked down to 7mm and fireformed to give it a straighter case taper and 38 degree shoulder, fully formed case shown in the middle. The right case is the .30-30 necked up before fireforming, the left is the 7mm International, the inspiration for the 7R. Elgin Gates had the 7mm International for bolt-action guns, and wanted a similar case that was easy to form for the TC guys.
The Savantist
January 24, 2009
Great...now how am I supposed to deal with all this on my desk!
I'll have you know that you've totally reuined me for any "standard" Contenders or Encores. There's some that pop up here locally from time to time, that are just plain boring compared to the beauties you've got.
One of these days I'll get one.
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