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My Anniversary Gift

Dans Club
Forum Posts: 1360
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April 20, 2015 - 9:53 pm
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Yesterday April 19 was my anniversary. It also, was Patriots Day. On Thursday before the 16th, I was out with the lovely Mrs Hardin and I made a stop at Shooter's Supply for some powder and primers, you know, some essentials.

I'm looking at powders, she's over there perusing the gun cases. I here her call so I go over and she says "that's what I want for anniversary"   Beretta  Nano Purple... 9 MM.. I'm like are you sure you want something that small... she's done tried it on already..lol.20150420_210252-640x360.jpg


Ok darlin' lets do some paper work. Came with 2 mags. 1 extended, in the frame, and 1 standard foot. I found her a couple more mags on e-bay at a decent price and a mag. extender. So the extended ones go from 6 to 8.. She's pretty happy. Now, I been talking about a 40 or a 10mm and maybe even trying out a Glock. Friday, I'm running around getting things together for an Project Apple Seed weekend, cause I'm Oath Keeper and it's Patriots Day at end of the shoot. Well, I wound up not being able to go, cause Mike has a dbl header baseball against Trinity HS and Dawn turns out sick. Long story short, Mikes JV team wins on Sat. but Varsity loses..Friday I get home, found out I can't go oof to Eastern part of the state for weekend but I got a surprise...



New  M&P .40  and a Blackhawk Serpa auto-lock holster.  She had picked the thing up early in the month and was gonna give it to me Sunday, but she felt bad cause I couldn't make the Apple Seed Shoot. I love that woman. She was looking at the Glocks and questioning the man, and knowing me, he suggested she check out the Smitty's. Now she knows I would like a couple of semi's made with a certain mans name on it but just not in the books right now. Anyway, She felt it was a better choice. On special for $459 and I get 20% for lets call it frequent buyers club. Old cop friend, who was my dads partner along time ago. No I ain't made it to the range yet cause she is still ailin'  but hopefully will make it out this week. Calling for more rain so probly have to go to indoor..

I definitely like the feel of it in my hand. So i'm kinda itching to go shoot a box. Good thing I just started loading 3000 rnds of 9 and I got another 3000  40's.

Just wanted to share.... If you can't tell, I'm pretty happy too.



Oath Keeper #021479 NRA #206814004
Member AAGSR Member AGA #83120600233

"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."

Richard Henry Lee
American Statesman, 1788

Northern Illinois
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October 1, 2012
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April 21, 2015 - 8:31 am
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Congratulations on your anniversary ! and on having a wife that shares your passions. What a great surprise gift for both of you. That purple is pretty wild. 


Forum Posts: 23
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March 19, 2015
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April 21, 2015 - 9:29 am
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Dans Club
Forum Posts: 10330
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March 2, 2008
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April 21, 2015 - 10:36 am
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Cecil- Big Time flashback for me!!!

Several years ago, my wife planned an Anniversary "weekend event" for us. Local winery tours, Bed & Breakfast reservations, exclusive restaurant dinner reservations, oceanside Brunch ...

As we are heading out she springs some scam on me to drive by the biggest LGS in the area, and she knew I could not just drive by. She seemed to tolerate me going in for a walk around, she asked questions about a couple of guns that caught my interest, and then she asked "so which one do you want?"

Her Mastercard + My Permit = us checking in to the B&B with one extra (small) piece of luggage.

BTW-Our Anniversary is Valentines Day, entirely by accident, BUT Hallmark does a great job of reminding me that Feb 14 is coming every year wink

I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

George Carlin

Wyoming, land of the free

Dans Club

DWF Supporters
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April 17, 2015
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April 21, 2015 - 10:50 am
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Steve CT said
Cecil- Big Time flashback for me!!!

Several years ago, my wife planned an Anniversary "weekend event" for us. Local winery tours, Bed & Breakfast reservations, exclusive restaurant dinner reservations, oceanside Brunch ...

As we are heading out she springs some scam on me to drive by the biggest LGS in the area, and she knew I could not just drive by. She seemed to tolerate me going in for a walk around, she asked questions about a couple of guns that caught my interest, and then she asked "so which one do you want?"

Her Mastercard + My Permit = us checking in to the B&B with one extra (small) piece of luggage.

BTW-Our Anniversary is Valentines Day, entirely by accident, BUT Hallmark does a great job of reminding me that Feb 14 is coming every year wink

Very Nice, my last Anniversary Wife wanted a hot air balloon ride.  This may be exciting over the Alps of Switzerland, but in Northern Colorado and Wyoming it is just cold, boring, loud, cold and boring.

Wife - "hey look! a cow."

me - "Hmm.."

45 minutes later,

Wife - "Hey look! a cow."

me - "Hmm.. same cow I think."




Dans Club
Forum Posts: 1360
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April 18, 2014
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April 22, 2015 - 12:45 am
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Thank you guys for the regards. We still have a lot of fun  together. Mostly about school baseball nowadays... but we have our moments..

You don't know Bunny but this lady bought my first DW for me for Christmas in 1978...

 It is always a plus when they take interest in your good times. That is why I have to share in her passions too.  Am I right Steve???  Come on you can preach it...lol

Hugelk, She is originally from Chi-Town. Raised up around 42nd and Kedzi, if I remember right. Just down the street from Midway Airport.. A regular little bad-ass..lol

Ken, maybe someday before I get to old, I wanna bring her to visit your homeland my friend. If I make thru these last 2 boys that is....lol... 



Oath Keeper #021479 NRA #206814004
Member AAGSR Member AGA #83120600233

"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."

Richard Henry Lee
American Statesman, 1788

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