Dans Club
March 28, 2023

I am switching to 5.7x28 and sold all my .556 guns. The 5.7x28 now is as cheap as .556 and I love the round. not too big not too small the goldilock round. I got the 23 round S&W 5.7x28 with the tempo barrel (yes it's gold plated got a great deal on GB same price as a regular one $610) and my new suppressor fits both the S&W and my new KEL-TEC R50 which is a very nice light weight gun using the FN 50 round magazine! Now if something goes bump in the night I don't have to worry about blowing my eardrums out if I have to shoot at someone! I always thought in an emergency situation it would be hard to get ear protection on! Also the wait time is now down to one week for class 3 silencer! This is a Pluto Titanium very light and costs around $400 plus $200 for a tax stamp! Does anyone else have any best practices when using one?

Dans Club
February 24, 2013

November 14, 2019

Stmstan 445 said
I am switching to 5.7x28 and sold all my .556 guns. The 5.7x28 now is as cheap as .556 and I love the round. not too big not too small the goldilock round. I got the 23 round S&W 5.7x28 with the tempo barrel (yes it's gold plated got a great deal on GB same price as a regular one $610) and my new suppressor fits both the S&W and my new KEL-TEC R50 which is a very nice light weight gun using the FN 50 round magazine! Now if something goes bump in the night I don't have to worry about blowing my eardrums out if I have to shoot at someone! I always thought in an emergency situation it would be hard to get ear protection on! Also the wait time is now down to one week for class 3 silencer! This is a Pluto Titanium very light and costs around $400 plus $200 for a tax stamp! Does anyone else have any best practices when using one?![]()
Buy some ammo from Elite Ammunition (not for use in the keltec). I have a Ruger 57 loaded up wirh one magazine of S4, and one of T6 (for when it's time to get real).
Jay knows 5.7x28!


January 24, 2009

Dans Club
March 28, 2023

Yes the more I read I am wondering about sub sonic vs supersonic? I never even knew that was a thing! Which one works better with the silencer? I'm looking forward to shooting both their guns with this silencer. My whole thinking on this was about shooting my gun in an emergency situation and not having ear protection! I have to admit I would reach for the Kel-Tec first only because the 50 round mag but that may change depending on the way ir runs!


January 24, 2009

605Dart said
Subsonic is what you want. You can't get rid of the sound barrier 'crack' (sonic) even with a silencer.
If you look up Hickok45 on Youtube for example, he has at least one video about silencers, showing the difference in sound with supersonic & subsonic ammo.

August 28, 2009

605Dart said
Subsonic is what you want. You can't get rid of the sound barrier 'crack' (sonic) even with a silencer.
x2 on this one....gotta have subsonic ammo. to reduce the sound through the suppressor. I didn't think anyone was manufacturing any subsonic rounds in 5.7x28 but it looks like Fiocchi is. Midway has some but it's not cheap.....
The "Undercover Noise Reduction Pack".....

November 14, 2019

Subsonic 5.7x28 is going to be disappointing. You may as well have a Ruger 10/22.
The thing that makes 5.7x28 interesting is velocity! A suppressor increases muzzle velocity and eliminates flash, that is a good thing for 5.7!
The only downfall is range. You are pretty much capped at 100 yards. Great choice for inside the house work, but anything beyond 100 you are going to wish you had a heavier bullet and more powder. 5.56 does everything 5.7 does and more. I think a 5.7 pistol and an ar-15 rifle is a solid combination! *note they both use the same diameter bullets*.

Dans Club
March 28, 2023

Not going to be doing any hunting or sniper stuff so 100 yards is fine. This is my home defense set up so if anything goes bump in the night I can shoot without blowing out my eardrums. Only thing I gave to find out is if the Kel Tec R50 is reliable or should I reach for the S&W. I only have one suppressor so if the Kel-Tec R50 holds up I will reach for it due to the 50 round magazine. I'm going to take it out next week and finally shoot some of the subsonic and regular 5.7x28 see how big the difference is! Kel-Tec R50 (50 mag) VS S&W 5.7x28 (22 mag)

November 14, 2019

The kel-tec has a straight blowback action instead of a traditional delayed blowback (FN style). If you run premium ammo it might separate the case and jam your chamber.
Elite Ammunition has S4 on sale right now:
This is GREAT self defense ammo. It will punch a hole in soft armor, poke a hole in their juice box, and get stuck in their tee shirt on the other side. No worries about over penetration and killing someone on the other side of the drywall!
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