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Real or fake Dove Gray 744?
North Texas

Dans Club
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April 1, 2024 - 6:36 pm
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Doesn't look right to me.


Might be missing the "G" in the SER# that last two sold Dove Gray listings had: (000108 & G000403)  

Not a DW-issue  case.      

Only the 6" is original match to the gun.

The finish looks to be a coating.

Engravings are not crisp and refined.

Here is an authentic one:

1of250.jpgImage Enlarger

Dan Fan

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April 1, 2024 - 7:23 pm
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This is just something that was put together the 6 inch is the original shroud, the others aren’t engraved and heavy lug shroud.

This certainly didn’t leave the factory like this.

Just my 2 cents until some documentation comes to light

Charger Fan
Northern Utah


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April 2, 2024 - 12:58 am
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Scout728 said

Might be missing the "G" in the SER# that last two sold Dove Gray listings had: (000108 & G000403)  


A "G" in the serial number? Do you have a link showing the G000403 by chance? Just curious. While 000403 would fall in the 2nd run of Dove Gray (non-engraved) guns, I have never seen a letter as part of the S/N on one of these.

Anyway, regarding the one in question on GB...yes, it should have started life as an actual Dove Gray engraved (one of 250) Model 44. Yes, the 6" BA would have been original to that gun...BUT the rest is a mish-mash of assorted bits-n-pieces. Judging from the caliber roll marks, the 10" BA appears to be a later CZ style shroud, the 8" & 4" appear to be early CZ shrouds, and the 2" snubby has no roll mark at all. screwy Then the whole mess was refinished in the same (I have no idea the of type of material...maybe a gray truck bedliner?) finish, to make it look like this is supposed to pass as what, a Dove Gray Pistol Pac??screwyscrewy  At this point, I'm amazed they removed the grips & sights before they blasted the finish on. I love how he added "The revolver appears to be unfired other than maybe factory test firing"...I don't believe that for one second! Wait...actually, I do. Unfired after the poor thing was blasted with the mystery finish...probably because the action no longer works! 

Oh, and not that it's a big deal, but the Pac case is an American Tourister briefcase, minus it's badge...I know, because those are my personal favorites to make my own Pac cases with. wink Only I prefer my handles hinged, unlike this one. And the "DW Model 744" sticker is wrong, that is not a stainless gun!

But my absolute favorite line in the description is..."original cleaning brush and unopened key to the suitcase". That "unopened key" is jammed between the halves of a paper coin folder flip card...anyone who collects coins will instantly see it. So I guess the "unopened" part is that the key didn't fall out of that flip card before the photo was taken.lol2 

Pics for posterity...

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Ole Dog
ocala, fl


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April 2, 2024 - 3:25 am
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Charger Fan is absolutely right about every critique he made about the "Pack". I have 2 of the" lightly engraved" guns. The frame and the 6" are all that is original, albet given the same coating as the rest of the mishmash. Also, the second grip is a Hogue. 

  And there is no 3" BA. 🙄. What I would like to know is does the seller have a clue? 

Stmstan 445
Phoenix, Arizona

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April 2, 2024 - 3:53 am
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I will say it was a pretty good try at making the other barrels match the original dove grey gun. The 4 inch is a Palmer barrel the others CZ but when you add up what the 4 barrels cost over $1200 the extra grip $100 so if you figure the dove grey is worth $1800 at least that puts it kind of in the ok price range. If you could get the gun for $2700 might be a ok deal!

SOWELA (Southwest Louisiana)



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April 2, 2024 - 4:35 am
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Stmstan 445 said
 ... so if you figure the dove grey is worth $1800 at least that puts it kind of in the ok price range. If you could get the gun for $2700 might be a ok deal!


There is ZERO collector value, so I'd value the revolver itself at $600. $800 for the extra barrels, $100 for the case, $100 for the grips- $1600 would be Top Dollar IMO

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April 2, 2024 - 4:51 am
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The case looks like one of Stan's since the lining looks brand new and the guns are facing the way they do.

North Texas

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April 2, 2024 - 5:26 am
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Charger Fan said

Scout728 said


Might be missing the "G" in the SER# that last two sold Dove Gray listings had: (000108 & G000403)  


A "G" in the serial number? Do you have a link showing the G000403 by chance? Just curious. While 000403 would fall in the 2nd run of Dove Gray (non-engraved) guns, I have never seen a letter as part of the S/N on one of these.

My mistake.   The "G" was a "0".

pix819631268.jpgImage Enlarger

Stmstan 445
Phoenix, Arizona

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April 2, 2024 - 7:45 am
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No way a Dove Grey engraved guns is worth $600 to $800 Even the non Dove Greys are going for over $1300 one sold for $3000 last week. The engraved ones are worth a lot more than a regular one. THe gun and the original barrel are there and intact even though not in the original wood case I would say at least $1800 value. The serial number is correct for A Dove Grey engraved guns 0-250 I believe and the regular ones were 251-500 I do agree this looks like one of my very early cases before I started using pluck foam I did make several with regular foam and most likely one of my cases. I used American Tourister cases before I switched to the Samsonite cases.

Pleasant Plains, Illinois

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April 2, 2024 - 8:49 am
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Just so I learn something here, the “dove grey” 44 caliber pistols were based on a stainless (744) or non-stainless (44)…a blued that was changed/refinished?


SOWELA (Southwest Louisiana)



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April 2, 2024 - 10:00 am
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Stmstan 445 said
No way a Dove Grey engraved guns is worth $600 to $800 Even the non Dove Greys are going for over $1300 one sold for $3000 last week. The engraved ones are worth a lot more than a regular one. THe gun and the original barrel are there and intact even though not in the original wood case I would say at least $1800 value. The serial number is correct for A Dove Grey engraved guns 0-250 I believe and the regular ones were 251-500 I do agree this looks like one of my very early cases before I started using pluck foam I did make several with regular foam and most likely one of my cases. I used American Tourister cases before I switched to the Samsonite cases.


Slow down, Ranger...   There is NO collector value- there is NO original finish.  Therefore, IMO, the value of the gun is the same as any other refinished 44- about 600 bucks.

Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....

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Ole Dog
ocala, fl


Dans Club
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April 2, 2024 - 2:42 pm
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Stan, the frame and 6" shroud have been refinished. It is not the original Dove Grey finish. Probably ceracote over the Dove Grey.

Your valuations of 44 mag are way off. Just because a newcomer to Dan Wesson gets taken by a shill bidder does not mean the current market value is so high. A blue ANIB 44 isn't even worth 1300. Maybe a 744 would be but not likely. 

Kurt, the Dove Grey guns are white metal with the Dove Grey coating. They have a tendency to rust even if unfired in the case. I stopped buying them because of that.

 The gr ip on the otherhand is worth almost as much as the frame IM not so HO. Solid Rosewood with Pewter medallions. Only 500 made and not likely to ever be more. I have the two on my guns and two more I got. One on Gunbroker and one on eBay. $75 for one and 150 for the other. And no one but me knew what they were. The 44 mag was so highly sought for IHMSA that many of the first 500 were used for Silhouette. The rosewood grips were taken off and Hogue or Pachmyers put on. Later they were just another grip. I am sharing this with the Forum so you all can keep an eye out. It is better to be lucky than good but you have to recognize when you are lucky. 🤔😏

Stmstan 445
Phoenix, Arizona

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April 2, 2024 - 2:43 pm
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I will bow to the experts I sure thought the frame was not re-finished So what do you think an original Dove grey is worth? and an engraved one? 

Pleasant Plains, Illinois

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Charger Fan
Northern Utah


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April 2, 2024 - 9:05 pm
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Scout728 said

Charger Fan said

Scout728 said


Might be missing the "G" in the SER# that last two sold Dove Gray listings had: (000108 & G000403)  


A "G" in the serial number? Do you have a link showing the G000403 by chance? Just curious. While 000403 would fall in the 2nd run of Dove Gray (non-engraved) guns, I have never seen a letter as part of the S/N on one of these.

My mistake.   The "G" was a "0".


Thanks man, I was kinda wondering! worship

Ole Dog
ocala, fl


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April 2, 2024 - 11:49 pm
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Stan, prices are all over the place these days. Deals can be found but then two folks bidding can drive a price into the stratosphere. I find myself bidding more on guns that are overlooked or not a dogfight. If you are seeking the Dove Grey's make sure there are no rust spots forming.

Stmstan 445
Phoenix, Arizona

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April 3, 2024 - 2:23 am
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Yea i'm not looking for one. To me it's just a 44 mag not real special but if I did go after one it would be an engraved one. I was just wondering because Scout just got one in the original box for around $1600 That's the pic he posted. That was the first only the second one I saw in the original wood case engraved so yea I guess they are rare with the number that's available.  I was bidding on it too but he wanted it so I bowed out. I was happy I got the original nickel model 15 for under $800 with the extra barrel but I still have not picked it up so was waiting until I saw it in person. I picked up a 715 pistol pac in the same action for $1300 I could not believe nobody bid on it. Of course I had to pay the stupid shipping and the 15% fee so it was just over $1600 still a good deal. I'm tapped out after buying Dan Fan's 7445 First Issue and the 8 inch Crusaders. I sold my other 7445 to offset the purchases and sold my 12 lso. Next I'm going to sell the pair of 6 inch Crusaders in  fact they are listed on Guns International right now and also going to list my single 8 inch Crusader. Add in 5 High Standards and two Western auto revolvers I have spent way too much!Screenshot-2024-03-26-2.02.20-PM.pngImage Enlarger

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