October 18, 2017
I read today (on another forum) that the DW 715 has been discontinued. Apparently the MSRP had climbed to the point it surpassed even the 2020 Python. Sorry to see it go off the market again. Someone on this forum recently posted that production was only around 100 per year. If true, there must of been only around 600 made since 2014. Anyone have more information?
Range Officer
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
December 4, 2011
Dans Club
February 22, 2009
April 25, 2008
rwsem said
That may be a question gone unanswered. I imagine that it had to do with power and the ability to knock down those Rams? Do you have any other makes of .357"?
- 12/86 740-V8S 357 SuperMag
- 4/90 741-V10 41 Mag
- 12/90 741-VH6 41 Mag
- 2/95 7414-V8S 414 SuperMag Palmer gun #ETGSM00049
- 6/05 375-V8S 375 SuperMag
- 8/05 744-VH10 44 Mag
- 8/05 7445-V8S 445 SuperMag
- 8/05 741-V10S SRS-1 First Issue
- 11/05 40-VH6 357 SuperMag
- 9/09 15-2 VH8 357 Mag IHMSA 1 0f 100 This is #41
- 5/10 41 Hunter 41 Mag
- 5/12 Pointman Seven 10mm Auto Pistol Match grade barrel
Dean has extra barrels for some of these guns. Also has scopes and other things written down on the list.
The Savantist
April 25, 2008
I first posted but your Captcha [or however it's spelled] wouldn't save and post, so I tried again and left a lot out. The first time I included a lot of info that Dean had written down, but it got messed up completely.
I spent a lot of time going to his list and back and I wasn't able to copy and post, so it made it even more time consuming.
The Savantist
April 25, 2008
I've a couple of questions....
I looked at Jody's list "What Model do I have?"
Dean has a Pointman Seven and Jody lists a Pointman Nine. I don't understand.
Dean also has a 7445. Jody lists it as being a (445 Supermag), so what is it? A 44 or a 45? I don't understand this one either.
I wish I could ask Dean these questions, but he sadly, passed away a month ago on Dec. 7.
The Savantist
Dans Club
February 22, 2009
Marilyn, The Captcha system fails a lot for me too....The Pointman 7 and 9 are essentially the same but different calibers- the Nine is a 9mm. The 7445 is a stainless 445 Supermag- 7 is the prefix, if you will, for all DW stainless models. The 445 SM is a stretched out 44 mag to get more performance from a 44 caliber bullet.
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....
April 25, 2008
Thank you Ron for explaining the 445.
Speaking of 44's... [not a Dan Wesson gun]
One day, Dean says to me [and surprised me], I got you a gun. We were out plinking and he handed the handgun to me. I asked what it was and he says a 44. I started shooting and didn't like it. In my hands, it was too heavy, too "chunky" [of a grip], too powerful and I didn't like it at all and didn't want to shoot it anymore.
I turned to Dean and said, why did you get me this gun?! He says, because I didn't have a 44 before.
So, I guess it wasn't really a gift for [and to] me.
The Savantist
August 8, 2016
3ric said
I read today (on another forum) that the DW 715 has been discontinued. Apparently the MSRP had climbed to the point it surpassed even the 2020 Python. Sorry to see it go off the market again. Someone on this forum recently posted that production was only around 100 per year. If true, there must of been only around 600 made since 2014. Anyone have more information?
My new DW/CZ 715 which is replacing the Monson 715 that split (thanks to DW’s crappy barrel) should ship next week. Looks like I’ll be one of the last people to get a new 715. Sad.
Dans Club
January 17, 2015
If there is any truth in this article, perhaps CZ plans to just run revolvers through Colt.
April 25, 2008
IHMSA80x80 said
rwsem said
That may be a question gone unanswered. I imagine that it had to do with power and the ability to knock down those Rams? Do you have any other makes of .357"?
- 12/86 740-V8S 357 SuperMag
- 4/90 741-V10 41 Mag
- 12/90 741-VH6 41 Mag
- 2/95 7414-V8S 414 SuperMag Palmer gun #ETGSM00049
- 6/05 375-V8S 375 SuperMag
- 8/05 744-VH10 44 Mag
- 8/05 7445-V8S 445 SuperMag
- 8/05 741-V10S SRS-1 First Issue
- 11/05 40-VH6 357 SuperMag
- 9/09 15-2 VH8 357 Mag IHMSA 1 0f 100 This is #41
- 5/10 41 Hunter 41 Mag
- 5/12 Pointman Seven 10mm Auto Pistol Match grade barrel
Dean has extra barrels for some of these guns. Also has scopes and other things written down on the list.
This list above, was from Dean's current gun log.
Since I don't have that list anymore, is the 40-VH6 357 SuperMag I wrote [the same thing from Jody's What Model Do I have? thread] the
- 740 (357 Maximum) ?
I don't know if I forgot to write the 7 in front of the 40-VH6 357 SuperMag or if Dean didn't list it that way.
I'm trying to get all the info of all of Dean's guns that are here in the house at the time of his death.
When I got a new computer last month, I was told by Best Buy that everything would transfer over from our old to my new one.
Sadly it didn't. I lost all of the Microsoft Works programs that Dean had. The complete gun log of every gun that Dean bought and the current gun log. All guns had Dean's comments and more info with each one.
The Savantist
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