Dans Club
March 28, 2023

I have a couple of blue slotted shrouds on my 40 and 375 supermags but now I have the 7445 slotted. I have a black barrel in my other 445 and it got me thinking. Would a black barrel look better in a stainless slotted shroud? What do you think? Inquiring minds want to know! THe gun came with the stainless barrel when I got it!

Dans Club
December 5, 2008


January 24, 2009

I'm pretty sure that the blue/black barrels were mainly sold with the non-slotted shrouds. To me, the contrast of a stainless barrel against a blued shroud looks super cool.
Scout's idea of powdercoating a barrel in red would probably look super cool too! One in cherry red against a blued shroud would be...

Dans Club
March 28, 2023

OK went and did something crazy. What do you think of this? Orange barrel with a orange looking grip. Also I bought an orange sight it's on the way so for now a red sight. I think it came out pretty good but i'm sure not for everyone. High temp paint on the barrel but it's a super tight fit had to be really careful putting on the shroud. If I like it I may take the barrel and have it powder coated but may run into the same problem with the shroud fitting in fact it may be worse. May not be able to get the shroud over the powder coat.

Range Officer


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Dans Club
December 4, 2011

I like contrasting tube/shroud combinations, I think it makes it stand out better.
My favorite is my 'laser treated' 414 tube, but you can't get those new anymore.
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My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
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