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Serial Number Registry-I need your HELP

Dans Club
Forum Posts: 10330
Member Since:
March 2, 2008
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December 6, 2009 - 1:58 pm
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One of our most common questions on DWF is "When was it made?", and we all know that this info is probably lost forever. I know we have a lot of information here in posts all over the Site and in our personal records. I have decided to take on the long term project of collecting the information we have and presenting and updating it on DWF.

To that end, if Members here would please PM or email to me the following information that you know to be accurate:

1) Model and origin (Monson/Palmer/Norwich)

2) Original configuration if known (barrel/shroud type, Pistol Pack, etc.)

3) Serial Number (replace the last digit with "x" if you wish) including any letters and spaces

4) Original purchase date (or month, year, etc.)

5) Info to support the validity of the date, like: you are the original purchaser, barrel wrappers, documentation included with the gun, info from previous owner, etc. This will be used to attach a "reliability rating" for the information provided.

I will be going back through posts on DWF to find information posted by inactive Members, but if you could send out info on any guns you currently own or have owned, even if it's already been posted here, it would help out a lot.

Please DO NOT put your responses in this topic, it is locked and will not accept Posts

As I begin to get information and can put it in a legible format, it will be posted on DWF and updated regularly.

Thanks for your help


I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

George Carlin


Dans Club
Forum Posts: 10330
Member Since:
March 2, 2008
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
January 13, 2010 - 9:36 pm
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The new Serial Number Registry is posted, and new information is coming in. Thanks to everyone that has contributed, and keep the information coming. The Registry will be updated regularly, and we learn more about the Dan's every day.

I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

George Carlin

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