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UK exits EU, what do you think?

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June 25, 2016 - 6:07 am
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Can't say I blame them, long term effect to be seen. Any opinions? Wall St. uneasy at best !!confused


Different Drummer
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June 25, 2016 - 8:41 am
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Good for them, though a rocky road more than likely lay before them.

It is time for us in the United States to to be as bold and take back our country as well.

Forum Posts: 3410
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June 25, 2016 - 10:26 am
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Switzerland and Britain have both voted to pull out of the EU. A Parliament member of the Labour Party in GB was murdered last week, shot and stabbed (she was against them leaving the EU).

Italy voted on June 19th to make a 5 Star movement woman (Raggi) mayor of Rome with a landslide victory. 5 Star are socialist and non violent, but just the idea that regular folks are rising up under any banner tells you the amount of unrest in the world. The mere fact that 5 Star gets traction in Italy is eye opening.

Germans have no idea what to do about the Muslims. They are taxed to death and the healthcare system is now flooded with immigrants and the taxpayers keep footing the bill. And they don't like it ... sound familiar?

Now look for Italy, Denmark and Sweden to do the same .. the EU will implode. Add a bunch of displaced muslims into the mix that will no longer get hand outs and watch that fuse burn.

Regardless of what you know or assume, these events will have an impact .. look for serious upheaval in Europe, coupled with south America issues and China offering 120% ltv mortgages for the first time in history, things as they say, do not look good.

I only mention this because we all get caught up in our day to day lives here and seldom pay CLOSE attention to world events...we are insulated to a degree. But we are insulated from the truth, not the consequences. The European title wave of economic disaster can meet our wave of a false housing market. Wave amplification in this case will be real to us.

Yellen has no clue. We keep printing money, we can't raise rates, and we are stuck not being able to reign in the stock market. The demand for houses is about to end and we will have a massive surplus...again. Expect many defaults and sinking home prices. There are so many indicators of darker days I don't know where to begin. We can weather the storm but it won't be fun.

So. Pay attention when you can. Have a plan in place to be able to hunker down for a bit. The currency of the future will be food and ammo, at least that's what folks much smarter than me are saying. It is not about gloom and doom but more about being ahead of the curve. Stay vigilant my friends.

South Carolina
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June 25, 2016 - 10:53 am
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If things continue down the path we've been going we may have a similar situation where states secede from the U.S. fed gov. I know Texas has talked about it for quite some time and I would vote for it.


Dans Club
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June 25, 2016 - 12:21 pm
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I am not an economist, and to my shame, I don't understand the implications of Britain, Switzerland, ... jumping out of the EU.

I do believe that another eight years of increasing Socialism/ Big Brother knows best BS once Hilary is elected, and then re-elected, is terrifying. 

I repeat, all I can do is vote against a candidate. I'd rather vote for one.

I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

George Carlin

mister callan
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June 25, 2016 - 1:35 pm
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Back when it was a financial entity the old "Common Market" was a good thing. Kind of similar to cooperatives here combining to take on the big players in agriculture.

I was based in the U.K., but spent almost 1/4 of my time in mainland Europe & it accounted for probably 30% of the income I would not have earned in the U.K. alone.

When it became a political entity, a European Parliament I think it suffered greatly because the ones running it overall couldn't step outside their own countries needs & see the whole big picture.

Matthew Quigley on handguns:

“I said I never had much use for one. Never said

I didn't know how to use it.”


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June 25, 2016 - 10:53 pm
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I'll try not to sound like my grandma, back in the 70's She said the end is near !!! Lotta Biblical signs are here though. The whole World is a MESS at best. Keep aware and armed is my best advice.


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June 25, 2016 - 11:37 pm
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Does it sound like the world is getting smaller? gun powder is starting to show up more each day here in Oregon.surprised???? everyone has a different answer to the question "what is the most important thing in your life"

Ole Dog
ocala, fl


Dans Club
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June 26, 2016 - 8:04 am
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Less than 7 months and that miserable failure will be out of office. If Hillary wins this country may be doomed. If Trump wins we may avoid the trauma Stinger warns of. We still have the National debt to deal with but if the budget can be balanced it will cease to matter and over time will become irrelevant. A lot of its. I have ammo, now it is time to worry about water and food. I used to be a pessimist and was almost never right. I think the Brexit forecasts a huge Trump victory. 


Dans Club
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June 26, 2016 - 2:09 pm
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The primary reason (in my opinion) that our world seems to be in turmoil and edging closer to disaster is the incredible information/opinion/debate/conflict overload that we are blessed/cursed with.

Multiple instantaneous sources of "news", entire communication systems dedicated solely to sharing points of view and debates by experts (?).

The ability of the greatest part of the world population to share feelings, perceptions, knowledge, and fears, freely and worldwide with no real discernment between fact, feeling, fun, fear...

I AM NOT saying we know too much, or have the ability to share too much.

I AM saying that our ability to absorb, understand, and think about what we know has far outdistanced many peoples ability to act responsibly at the intersection of knowledge and ethics.

There have always been demons and monsters in our world, it is becoming easier to know all about them, and harder deal with how we feel about the evil that exists in our everyday life. 

I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

George Carlin


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June 26, 2016 - 2:44 pm
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I agree with most of what you're saying, Steve. And at the same time, incredibly/sadly so many are either uninformed/misinformed or just ignorant. Media bias does not help. Most only report what make "their" party look good. I won't name any, but WE know the ones !!! Truth, common sense, God's law are all burried under a quagmire of BS and political correctness.


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